How this will work
One of the main reasons for this site is to publish the quarterly “class notes” that go into the Kings Pointer magazine. The alumni association does have the Alumni website, but honestly, it’s not very user friendly and good. I like ours better 😉 And since it’s 2008, we can now do things like offer RSS feeds for you to subscribe too, and you can also make Comments to each individual post.
One of the issues I thought of is to “When” I should publish the notes. It takes about 3 months from my submission until they get published, printed and sent in the magazine. I know alot of us love to get the hard copy Kings Pointer magazine in our mailboxes, but I also think that in today’s “instant-info” age, we may just want them as soon as they’re submitted. My gut says that I should publish them right away, but I figured I’d ask, so please Take The Poll over there on the <—- Left side.
Until I get this figured out, i’m going to start publishing PAST Notes, starting with last quarter’s. It will take me some time to get all of the past issues posted, but I’ll slowly get there.