LTJG Francis L. Toner IV, USN, Class of 2006, was killed this past Friday, March 27th, when an Afghan insurgent, apparently dressed as a National Soldier, fired upon a group of Navy Officers running inside the NATO compound at Camp Shaheen, Mazad-E-Sharif, Afghanistan.
Toner was assigned to the Combined Security Transition Command as garrison engineer training Afghans to assume a security role for their nation. A Navy Nurse was also killed in the attack and another woman wounded. It was reported that Toner diverted fire to allow another Navy officer to escape. LT Matthew Hume, USN ’02, who shared quarters with Toner, also managed to escape injury.
While at the Academy, Toner, a Shipyard Management major, played football (#46) for four years and lacrosse as a first classman. He dated and married a Long Island girl he met while at the Academy, Brooke Dueling. He was an extremely popular midshipman and naval officer and brightened the lives of everyone with whom he came in contact. The family has requested burial in Arlington National Cemetery and a Memorial Service at the Academy.
Facebook subscribers can join the “Never Forget Francis L. Toner IV” network for more stories, videos and photos. The Governor of Rhode Island has ordered all U.S. and State flags to be flown at half-mast until Toner is laid to rest.