Media Upload Form
As we’ve noted on a few occasions, we’re putting together a Video Slide / Picture Show so we’re looking for any Media . . .
Not going? Still Send Please
Even if you’re not attending the reunion, we’d still love to see your pictures. We will make the video available to everyone after the reunion, so it would be great to see as many of you as possible in the show.
What To Send
Primarily pictures, but if you have any Media, we’ll take it. Cell phones were non-existent back in the day, but who knows, maybe someone has some old video that was converted. Ideally, we’d love to show old, pictures from our Kings Point days, but we’ve decided to also include anything current too so please feel free to send in Old or New pictures. We’ll even take hard copy prints too (See below for info)
How To Send Pictures
Sending media electronically can be tricky, especially since modern day image files can be huge causing issues with emailing them. TIP: Zip them up into a single Archive/Zip file.
- Recommended – Use the Uploader Form below. You can send one, many and/or very large files.
- Optional – Visit our 3rd Party Dropbox Style system. Simply follow the directions on the screen. Click on the link and follow the directions on the screen:
- Finally – Email them to Blake at **NOTE/LIMIT – Total Single Email size cannot exceed 25Mb on my end (and it may be small, like 10Mb on your end) That may be only a few pictures (which is totally fine if you have only a few pictures.)
Whatever the case, DO NOT embed pictures into documents. Keep them as ATTACHMENTS to emails, or send them via one.
Deadline = Thursday, 10/9/14
We need all pictures submitted No Later Than end of Thursday, 10/19/14. I’ll be putting finishing touches on the show Friday morning after I wake up in NY.
Thank You!
We’re looking forward to “seeing” everyone at the reunion – either electronically/virtually and in person. Let me know if you have any questions or issues in sending media.
Blake Miller & The Reunion Planning Committee
Hard Copy Pictures?
Even if you have old school physical prints, we’ll take them! I will personally have them scanned for you to include into the show. I’ll even send the pictures back to you (or bring them to the reunion if you’re there.) Please send to:
Blake Miller, MITO Studios
4422 Glacier Ave. Ste D
San Diego, CA 92120
These must be received by COB Monday, 10/6/14 so get them into the mail ASAP.
Media Upload Form
Anyone remember this party? In South Carolina, a few years after graduation.